Saturday, December 31, 2005

Let's just say that YSL nailpolishes will never ever again have the reputation of being good. No longer does it stand for 'Yves Saint Laurent' but more likely to be 'whY So Lousy'. Before you flare up, hear me out.

Having been in the studio for many times, no other color has caught my eye, unlike this crimson one from YSL. I tested a bit of it on my pinkie, and what do you know. It took over an hour to harden. Even a cushion brushed up against my pinkie could smudge the entire dab.

I hereby urge you not to purchase a YSL nailpolish, unless it's the only color available in the market that you simply adore and cannot do without (plus the fact that you have half the day to wait for your nails to dry and harden.)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

"Like all women out there, I have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear."
Dear Santa,

I would love a new back-to-school wardrobe!
And I've been good all year.

With Love,
Your favourite glam girl xoxo


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Would you dress your child like this?

I was already a glamour girl at heart, even then. I wanted this over-the-top white frilly dress with a rainbow skirt that lots of proud french-braided girls seemed to have at that time. I also wanted the princess dress-up kit from Toys 'R' Us, the one with the pink high-heel shoes and fake nails. But did my mother concede? Looking at the picture above, do you really think so?

In case you can't tell, I'm the one in the uglier outfit. So while other little girls were prancing around in rainbow-colored dresses, I was dressed like a clown. It's cute in a cartoonish sort of way, but it put me in a different category from the long-haired princess ballerinas with their bambi eyes and mary-janes. I never got the "what a pretty little girl"s, I got the "she looks just like her father"s and "oh, like the Cabbage Patch Kids!"

So when you become a mother (and don't say you won't give birth because it's painful/fattening), will you subject your daughter to the silliness of big polka dots and short bangs? Or will you let her be as bimbotic as she likes and wear all the pink plastic and frills her heart desires, and let her regret her own fluff when she's older and wiser? Worse still, will you give in to your own fashion temptations and dress your daughter up in "sexy" kids' clothes that would look better on yourself, like those precocious Guess child models and the heartlander kids who take part in community centre talentimes? It's a tough call.

(In my case, I'm glad i don't have any photos of myself in a rainbow-colored dress. Rainbow frills. Eew.)


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It doesn't matter how many pairs of white stilettos her wardrobe contains, a true golden girl is physically incapable of looking tarty.

Monday, December 19, 2005

We all know that one very important title a glamour girl holds to her name is that of a shopaholic. While other people take up numerous savings plans to prevent themselves from being shopaholics, a glamour girl realises that shopping is imperative to constant happiness and sales are an absolute must-visit. Because even glamour girls realise the importance of saving money, and the best way is to save money at a sale.

And so to a glamour girl, the Mango sale is like the Emmys. A reward for one whole year's hard work. And every glamour girl needs a sure-win method to get the most out of the sale.

The comprehensive guide to the treacherous year-end Mango Sale:

1) Presale lookaround - It's always good to go shopping before the sale to decide on what catches your eye and to try on everything that you might possibly get during the sale because you have absolutely no idea how lethal the queues can get at Mango during the sale period. Affirm the sizes for the various articles of clothing you fancy and do make a list in case you forget.

2) With your girlfriends, invest in some walkie talkies as this will come in handy when your contingent attacks the store. Walkie talkies allow you to separate yourselves to different sections of the store to get the best deals in the shortest amount of time possible. There is no need to let the rest of the store know about your excellent find lest they covet the same item: the walkie talkies ensure top security as you radio the rest of your girlfriends to inspect the item. Good deals should only be shared with the circle of trust in your life.

3) It is best to draw up a square grid layout plan of the store before entering, with markouts such as "A1", "A2", "B3" in order to ensure no lost people when wanting them to come to where you are. "I'm standing by the rack of black coats" will definitely not suffice in a Mango sale where clothes are mixed up and strewn every single place possible.

4) High heels are recommended in sales like these. You might complain about the pain, as opposed to if you throw on a pair of sneakers, but there's definitely no gain without the pain. High heels give you that extra height as you scan the racks and racks of clothing above the throng of heads and it also enables you to 'accidentally' step on another woman's toes if she attempts to reach for that same gorgeous white skirt as you.

5) Dress in clothes that are easy to wear. Short skirts instead of jeans, and spaghetti-straps are always useful because you can pull anything on over it to avoid having to join the mile-long queues for the dressing rooms. Now's not the time to be modest about your body as well - pull on that pair of jeans over the skirt if you really have to. Saving time equals more opportunity to find great deals.

6) Mango mirrors are absolutely deceiving. You DO NOT look as thin as what you see in the dressing room mirrors. So before you decide to buy the entire store, thinking that everything looks sensational on you, get a reality check by stepping outside where the main mirrors are or by consulting your trusty girlfriends.

7) If you happen to be skinny or big-sized, Mango sales are made for you. However, if you're an average-sized girl and most of the clothes in your wardrobe are labelled 'M', do not even bother stepping into the store during a sale because there's nothing left for you. It simply leaves you infuriated. So if you're a Medium and you see something you like before the sale with your size in it, count your blessings and buy it immediately. Alternatively, put on some pounds or lose some.

8) Bribe your boyfriend to tag along. Yes, he will most definitely complain and he might result in boredom but it is not a good idea to be trudging around town after the sale with five shopping bags, especially when all they give you is the horrible transparent Mango 'sale' bags. After all, we all know who you bought all these new clothes to dress up for. He ought to understand and appreciate that thoughtful gesture.

Step on it, ladies. You're now ready for the sale.

- melia

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Every now and then you come across something that makes your heart stop. I don't mean "that's nice" or "how cute". I mean something that you can see yourself wearing for the rest of your life. A long-term commitment, an instant deep and stirring knowledge that this will be one of those buys that will accompany you day and night, through lunch parties and glam nights. It will be something people will associate you with. A symbol, an icon, your icon.

Come on now, write all about the love of your life.